Participant Application Guidelines
We encourage new people to come see the Salon to learn and be inspired, and we look forward to welcoming new participants into our Salon family.
SALON is a gathering of skillful, like-minded individuals who come together to share techniques and ideas around the traditional craft of decorative paintwork. Salon Participants are professional decorative artists working at the highest levels of skill in this specialized trade.
Acceptance to the Salon is juried by a committee of the Board, made up of previous Salon hosts.
A Participant is defined as one who exhibits and demonstrates.
The public arena is intended to inspire and educate. It is not a venue to promote oneself, school, or commercial interests.
If you are invited to participate come prepared for these important aspects of Salon.
1. How to Apply to the Salon:
Contact the host of the next Salon, preferably by email.
Include a brief biographical statement of your professional experience as a decorative artist, with three example images of your work, along with website or other links for more information.
If approved by the committee, you will be invited to create an exhibition panel.
Your first time exhibiting is also part of your application. In advance of the host-stated deadline, detailed photos of the actual finished panel you wish to exhibit must be emailed to the host for review.
2. What to paint:
Your exhibition panel should display your mastery of technique. It must be a finished piece, of your best, most confident work. Sometimes the Salon has a theme which may inspire your painting.
The host will inform participants of space or size limitations.
See examples of past Salon panels at Instagram @decorativepaintingsalon
3. What to demonstrate
Plan to demonstrate something of your particular expertise, and bring an appropriate substrate and any special materials you will need for it (this does not need to be the same as your exhibit panel.) You will be demonstrating concurrently with other participants, in an informal setting. Be prepared to answer questions about your techniques or tools, and share your knowledge with other participants and visiting students.
You should also allow yourself time to observe other artists, participate in discussions, or work on the group mural or other group project.
4. Approval process
New participants will need to be approved by the Board in order to be invited to future Salon events.
Shortly after the Salon, the Host will contact you about your application.
If your exhibition panel does not portray the expected level of a Salon participant, the Board may request you resubmit for the following year.
5. Conduct
It is important for Salon participants to maintain a professional level of decorum at all times. Undesirable or offensive behavior that is damaging to the image of Salon and its contributing sponsors cannot be tolerated. Complaints brought to the Board of such behavior, will result in a probationary period imposed on the offending participant.
Decorative Painting Techniques: Types of work found at the Salon
Imitation finishes: Faux bois et faux marbre - Wood Graining and Marbling
Grisaille | Trompe L’oeil | Chantourné | Quadratura | Clair-Obscur | Velum and Drapery techniques | Anamorphosis | Scenic work & cloud ceilings | Painted Furniture, Objects, & Instruments | Painted Illustration | Calligraphy and Illumination | Heraldry | Church decoration | Painted Ornament | Grottesca | Gilding, Pastiglia, and Sgraffito | Sign Writing | Drawn and Painted lettering | Traditional Sign Glasswork: etching, gilding, and painting | Verre Églomisé | Fresco Painting | Murals | Large-scale street art | Fairground Art
Kim Dokka - 2010
updated by Lynne Rutter - 2022